A woman injecting a solution into a man's IV

¿Qué es la terapia de infusión?

Infusion therapy is a medical term defined as the intravenous or subcutaneous administration of medication through a needle or catheter (non-oral).

Infusion therapy has a variety of uses including within pain management, chemotherapy and the treatment of infectious diseases. The primary advantage of infusion therapy over other delivery methods is the precision of medication delivery. And thanks to numerous technological advancements, infusion therapy no longer needs to be used within a hospital setting, but thanks to ambulatory infusion suites, in the comfort of patients home.

Tipos de tratamientos de terapia de infusión

Infusion therapy is appropriate for a range of possible treatment applications to support patients requiring support for bleeding disorders, neurological disorders, nutrition, chronic inflammatory disorders and other specialized therapies.

¿Qué medicamentos se utilizan en la terapia de infusión?

The type of drug or combination of medications administered through infusion therapy will be dependent on the instruction provided by your prescribing physician. The most common types of medications/drugs administered through Option Care Health extensive network include antibiotics such as vancomycin, meropenem, and gentamicin, antifungals such as micafungin and amphotericin, drugs for low blood pressure such as dopamine, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dobutamine, and immunoglobulin medications (IVIG).

¿Cuánto tiempo dura la terapia de infusión?

La duración del tratamiento es única para cada paciente y puede variar según la gravedad de la afección. Consulte con su médico para obtener más información sobre el tiempo que necesitará los tratamientos de terapia de infusión.

Obtenga más información sobre la terapia de infusión en la guía de Option Health Care para pacientes

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