Aliviamos las preocupaciones de los pacientes sobre los costos de la terapia

Ayudar a aliviar el estrés financiero de los pacientes es la razón por la que Priscilla O'Quinn ama su trabajo. Como orientadora de beneficios para pacientes de Option Care, es una maestra en desenterrar recursos para asegurarse de que puedan pagar sus medicamentos. De hecho, tan solo en un período de cinco meses, Priscilla obtuvo más de US$1 millón de asistencia de copagos para pacientes de terapia de infusión en el hogar o salas ambulatorias de Option Care, con planes de asistencia de copago del fabricante y cantidades de subsidios relacionados de fundaciones.[*]Los ahorros gracias a los programas de asistencia financiera mencionados en este artículo pueden no estar disponibles o no ser aplicables para todos los pacientes.

"Encontré la manera de ayudar a las personas de alguna forma u otra", afirmó Priscilla. "Me alegra mucho el corazón".

La asistencia financiera puede marcar la diferencia

She remembers the man with hemophilia who required life-saving IV Factor VIII protein therapy to prevent excessive bleeding. He couldn’t afford to keep his Medicare supplemental insurance and could only manage to pay a small portion of his bill each month, putting him into growing debt. Priscilla determined he qualified for a hemophilia financial assistance program and enrolled him. The program paid his bill in full and reimburses his insurance premiums.

"Cuando se lo dije, me respondió: '¡Eres un ángel!', recuerda Priscilla".

Priscilla supervisa constantemente las fundaciones y otros programas financieros para evaluar cuándo se dispone de espacios para asistencia y utiliza una variedad de vías para ayudar a los pacientes a recibir apoyo económico.

Por ejemplo, a una paciente de Medicare se le prescribió inmunoglobulina subcutánea (SCIG) para tratar su deficiencia autoinmune. Estaba dispuesta a decirle a su médico que no podía pagar el tratamiento, pero Priscilla encontró una forma de ayudarla. Debido a que la mujer también tenía lupus, Priscilla la contactó con una fundación que cubre casi todo su copago para la inmunoglobulina intravenosa (IVIG) y también le ayuda a pagar sus otros medicamentos. Con gusto cambió de SCIG a IVIG y ahora paga una fracción del costo.

Siempre en busca de oportunidades

Aunque los fabricantes suelen tener programas de asistencia financiera, los pacientes no pueden beneficiarse de ellos si tienen un seguro gubernamental (como Medicare o Medicaid). Así, Priscilla se acerca a las fundaciones y a otros planes de apoyo y, en cuanto al paciente con lupus, evalúa si hay ayuda disponible debido a sus otras condiciones. En ocasiones, cambiar el método de tratamiento o el medicamento marca la diferencia.

Priscilla personifica el compromiso de Option Care de brindar a los pacientes atención y apoyo de alta calidad. A menudo recibe llamadas de pacientes agradecidos que buscan consejo sobre cómo pagar un medicamento recetado caro no relacionado con su terapia de infusión, y siempre trata de ayudar. "El dinero es una gran preocupación y a menudo impide que las personas con padecimientos graves cumplan su tratamiento, por lo que encontramos una forma de resolver ese problema para todos nuestros pacientes", afirmó. "Significa mucho cuando tienen a alguien que se preocupa por ellos, y realmente pueden oírlo en su voz".

Largest Independent Home and Alternate Site Infusion Provider Establishes the Standard of Care Across the United States Through Its Clinical Leadership and Technology-Enabled Modelo centrado en el paciente

BANNOCKBURN, Ill. & DENVER, 7 de agosto de 2019Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (“Option Care”) y BioScrip, Inc. (“BioScrip”) anunciaron hoy la finalización exitosa de su fusión, que sigue a que se cumplieron las condiciones de cierre de la transacción, incluida la aprobación por parte de los accionistas de BioScrip y la recepción de todas las aprobaciones regulatorias necesarias.

The newly combined company, Option Care Health, Inc. (“Option Care Health” or the “Company”), emerges as the largest independent home and alternate site infusion services provider in the United States. Option Care Health’s common stock will be listed on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol BIOS.

John Rademacher, director ejecutivo de Option Care Health, dijo: “El día de hoy marca el comienzo de un nuevo y emocionante capítulo en el que unimos dos organizaciones sólidas con orgullosos antecedentes como líderes del mercado. Esta combinación nos permite reinventar la experiencia de la atención de infusión para liberar todo el potencial de una atención de alta calidad en un entorno de menor costo a escala nacional. Ahora somos el único proveedor independiente enfocado en brindar un espectro completo de terapias de infusión a pacientes en todo el país. Nuestra gran experiencia clínica, nuestra amplia cartera de terapias y nuestro mejor perfil financiero nos permiten ofrecer resultados superiores y establecer el estándar para la atención del paciente".

Option Care Health seguirá centrándose en lo siguiente:

  • Patient-Centered Care Model, providing deeply personalized care to patients in all 50 states, supported by the broadest commercial and clinical coverage with our unique product offering.
  • Clinical and Market Leadership, leveraging our best-in-class clinical team to consistently raise quality standards and patient outcomes while collaborating with health systems, payers and manufacturers to broaden our therapy portfolio and clinical reach.
  • Invertir en personas, tecnología y operaciones para impulsar un crecimiento rentable, al tiempo que establece el estándar de la industria para los servicios de infusión.

Daniel E. Greenleaf, former Chief Executive Officer of BioScrip, commented, “I’m proud of the BioScrip team and the care that we delivered every day to patients who trusted us to provide extraordinary care. This new enterprise combines two independent market leaders and enables the organization to truly redefine infusion therapy in the alternate site setting. With a significantly improved capital structure and financial profile, I’m confident Option Care Health will continue to build upon the momentum of BioScrip and Option Care.”

Option Care Health tendrá su sede en Bannockburn, Illinois y estará dirigida por Rademacher como director ejecutivo y Mike Shapiro como director financiero. Harry Kraemer, expresidente y director ejecutivo de Baxter International Inc., se desempeñará como presidente del consejo de Option Care Health.


In connection with the transaction, Jefferies LLC and Moelis & Company LLC acted as joint financial advisors to BioScrip, and Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP served as legal advisor. Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC and BofA Merrill Lynch acted as financial advisors and Kirkland & Ellis LLP acted as legal advisor to Option Care.

Declaraciones prospectivas

This communication contains “forward-looking statements ” (as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) regarding, among other things, future events or the future financial performance of Option Care Health. All statements other than statements of historical facts are forward-looking statements. In addition, words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “contemplate,” “continue,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” or the negative of these words, and words and terms of similar substance used in connection with any discussion of future plans, actions or events identify forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking statements relating to Option Care Health include, but are not limited to: statements about the benefits of the combined company, including future financial and operating results; expected synergies; Option Care Health’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions; and other statements relating to the merger that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to BioScrip and Option Care and involve estimates, expectations and projections.

Se advierte a los inversionistas que todas estas declaraciones prospectivas están sujetas a riesgos e incertidumbres (que se conocen como no), y muchos factores podrían causar que los eventos o resultados reales difieran sustancialmente de los indicados en dichas declaraciones prospectivas. Con respecto a la combinación de BioScrip y Option Care, estos factores podrían incluir, entre otros: (i) el impacto que la deuda significativa incurrida en relación con la fusión pueda tener en la capacidad de Option Care Health para operar el negocio combinado, (ii) los riesgos relacionados con la integración de las operaciones, las soluciones y los empleados de BioScrip y Option Care en la empresa combinada y la posibilidad de que las sinergias esperadas y otros beneficios de la combinación, incluidos los ahorros de costos, no se realicen o no se realicen dentro del plazo previsto, (iii) el estado de Option Care Health como una "empresa controlada" en el sentido que establece Nasdaq, incluida la dependencia de Option Care Health de las exenciones de ciertos estándares de gobierno corporativo y la influencia mucho menor que los tenedores anteriores a la fusión tienen ahora en Option Care Health, y (iv) riesgos relacionados con los negocios combinados y las industrias en las que opera la compañía combinada.

Estos riesgos e incertidumbres, así como otros riesgos e incertidumbres, se analizan con más detalle en la declaración de poderes definitiva de BioScrip presentada ante la SEC el 26 de junio de 2019 y las presentaciones posteriores de Option Care Health ante la SEC. Aunque las listas de factores de riesgo presentadas aquí y en las presentaciones públicas de Option Care Health se consideran representativas, tal lista no debe considerarse una declaración completa de todos los riesgos y las incertidumbres potenciales. Muchos de estos riesgos, incertidumbres y suposiciones exceden la capacidad de control o predicción de BioScrip y Option Care. Debido a estos riesgos, incertidumbres y suposiciones, no debe depositar una confianza indebida en estas declaraciones prospectivas. Además, las declaraciones prospectivas se refieren solo a la información actualmente disponible para las partes en la fecha en que se realizan, y ni BioScrip ni Option Care asumen ninguna obligación de actualizar públicamente o de revisar las declaraciones prospectivas para reflejar eventos o circunstancias que puedan surgir después de la fecha de esta comunicación.

Sobre Option Care Health

En Option Care Health, Inc. (Option Care Health) (NASDAQ: BIOS), somos el mayor proveedor independiente de servicios de infusión en el hogar y en sitios alternativos en los Estados Unidos. Con más de 6,000 compañeros de equipo, incluidos 2,900 médicos, trabajamos con compasión para elevar los estándares de atención para pacientes con afecciones agudas y crónicas en los 50 estados. A través de nuestro liderazgo clínico, experiencia y escala nacional, Option Care Health está reinventando la experiencia de la atención con terapia de infusión para pacientes, clientes y empleados. Para conocer más, visite nuestro sitio web en

For Media Inquiries:

Rachel Bowen, PCI


For Investor Inquiries:

Mike Shapiro, director financiero

Option Care Health


Today’s value based reimbursement programs require hospitals and health systems to shorten the length of time patients are hospitalized, reduce readmissions and improve quality of care. When post-acute infusion therapy is required, these challenges can be heightened, but are readily achievable for individuals who are relatively healthy, stable, and financially secure.

However, the risk of poor outcomes increases significantly for those who: are sicker and have comorbidities; have limited caregiver support; lack transportation options; or have Medicare without a Medigap plan, a deductible commercial plan or are uninsured or underinsured. 

Click the link below to read the full article from Managed Health Executive. 


The transition from hospital to post acute care is a vulnerable time for patients requiring infusion.

Si bien todas las terapias que se brindan en el hogar o en las salas de infusión ambulatoria requieren una atención clínica excelente para garantizar los mejores resultados, la nutrición parenteral (NP) es especialmente crítica debido a la complejidad de esta terapia y al mayor riesgo de complicaciones o de readmisión hospitalaria. 

Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para leer el artículo completo en Infusion Magazine.

La atención de infusión dirigida por un dietista registrado ayuda a prevenir readmisiones hospitalarias

Option Care Enterprises, Inc., el proveedor líder en el país de servicios de terapia de infusión en el hogar y en centros alternativos, celebró hoy la apertura de su nuevo y moderno Centro de gestión de atención (CMC) en Atlanta. Los asistentes al corte de listón y ceremonia pública tuvieron la oportunidad de recorrer el nuevo centro, que cuenta con la tecnología y los equipos de infusión más modernos en un ambiente acogedor y confortable.

Al atender a pacientes que dependen de terapias de infusión complejas para tratamientos antiinfecciosos, apoyo nutricional clínico, terapia con inmunoglobulina y afecciones como trastornos inflamatorios crónicos y trastornos hemorrágicos, el CMC brindará atención a aproximadamente 1,000 pacientes en su hogar o en la sala de infusión ambulatoria (AIS). El nuevo centro no solo expande la capacidad de Option Care para brindar servicios de atención vital a más pacientes en el área de Atlanta, sino que su farmacia de servicio completo y su sala de preparación de compuestos estériles cumplen y superan las normas regulatorias actuales.

El CMC brinda acceso conveniente a atención y asistencia clínica excepcional a través de:

  • Farmacia de infusión de servicio completo y manejo clínico de pacientes, incluidas la preparación y la administración de medicamentos para garantizar que cada paciente reciba el medicamento adecuado en la dosis adecuada con monitoreo adecuado y asistencia telefónica las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, con profesionales clínicos disponibles para responder preguntas a pacientes/cuidadores y proveedores.
  • Sala de infusión ambulatoria con tres sillas de infusión en cubículos privados donde los pacientes pueden recibir sus tratamientos administrados por enfermeros altamente capacitados específicamente en terapia de infusión.
  • Asistencia en el registro de pacientes, opciones de programación flexibles, incluidas las tardes y los fines de semana, estacionamiento gratuito en el lugar y fácil acceso a las instalaciones.

“Este nuevo CMC de Option Care en Peachtree Corners ofrece a los pacientes otra opción de terapia, ya sea que deseen recibir sus servicios de infusión en un centro nuevo y moderno, o en la comodidad de su propio hogar. El diseño no solo es estéticamente agradable, sino que está construido para ser el estándar de oro en instalaciones de preparación estéril”, afirmó el médico con sede en Atlanta, Anson Kwame Wurapa, M.D., quien visitó recientemente el CMC.

Muchos pacientes prefieren recibir sus infusiones en la comodidad de su hogar con la asistencia de los equipos de atención clínica de Option Care. Sin embargo, la infusión en el hogar puede no ser adecuada para todas las personas debido a una variedad de factores, incluidas la preferencia personal de estar lejos de casa para sus terapias, la falta de un entorno adecuado para el tratamiento en el hogar, las comorbilidades que requieren estar cerca de un equipo de atención completa y las limitaciones de la cobertura del seguro médico. El CMC de Option Care en Atlanta está equipado para ayudar a todos los pacientes de infusión en el área, ya sea que estén recibiendo tratamiento en casa o en la sala de infusión ambulatoria.

“Este nuevo CMC es lo mejor de todo lo que Option Care ofrece a los pacientes. Sabemos que estas terapias esenciales hacen posible que los pacientes disfruten de vitalidad y calidad de vida, y estamos encantados de poder brindárselas a más pacientes en el área de Atlanta”, afirmó John Rademacher, director ejecutivo de Option Care. “Este nuevo CMC representa nuestro compromiso de proveer atención clínica excepcional a través de los mejores profesionales clínicos e instalaciones disponibles”.

El CMC de Atlanta estará equipado para brindar resultados superiores con los servicios y programas de vanguardia, impulsados por la tecnología y basados en datos de Option Care.

Acerca de Option Care

Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) es el proveedor de servicios de infusión en el hogar y en centros alternativos de tratamiento, más grande y más confiable del país. Con acreditaciones de organizaciones de calidad de la industria ACHC, PCAB, ASHP y URAC,[*]Comisión de Acreditación para Atención de Salud (ACHC), Junta de Acreditación de Farmacias de Compuestos (PCAB), Asociación Estadounidense de Farmacéuticos del Sistema de Salud (ASHP) y URAC, la compañía recurre a más de 40 años de experiencia en atención clínica para ofrecer manejo de terapia centrada en el paciente.

Los servicios distintivos de Option Care, Infusion Therapy Plus, comprenden la administración clínica de los medicamentos de infusión, el apoyo de enfermeros y la coordinación de la atención. El equipo multidisciplinario de más de 1,700 profesionales clínicos de Option Care —formado por farmacéuticos, enfermeros y nutricionistas— puede proporcionar cobertura de servicios de infusión en el hogar para casi todos los pacientes en los Estados Unidos que necesiten tratamiento para afecciones complejas y crónicas. Conozca más en

For the past 40 years, Option Care has been dedicated to providing quality infusion therapy that makes a positive difference in each patient’s life. Prior to this, patients requiring nutrition support could only receive their infusions at a hospital. When two pharmacists in Chico, California heard about a 19-year-old man enduring 10 hours of nutrition therapy daily, they proposed delivering his treatment in the home, enabling him to lead a more normal life.

As we celebrate our 40th anniversary, we sat down with Michael Prime, one of Option Care’s founding pharmacists to discuss our history and how serving a single car accident patient, along with his partner, Mitchell Hoggard, launched one of the nation’s leading infusion companies.

OC: Tell me, in your own words, how you discovered the need for home infusion.

MP: There was a young man involved in an automobile accident and through the course of multiple surgeries, he lost most of his bowel, leaving him unable to absorb food orally. My partner was a pharmacist at a hospital in Red Bluff, just north of Chico. This young man was receiving TPN solution there; he required four liters a day, every day — it was a 10-hour infusion. This was just one of those things that (Hoggard) came to me saying that there was this man, sitting in our hospital, getting infusions daily and I think we can provide this in the home.

I didn’t know much about it at the time but thought to myself, why couldn’t we? I was ready to take on the challenge. Shortly afterwards, we spoke with the prescribing physician, getting him to agree that we could provide therapy to the patient once we had the proper license. So we began that long process — (Hoggard) stayed working at the hospital and I happened to own a retail store in downtown Chico — we contacted the insurance agency, found a space for a clean room with a hood to prepare the solution and began taking the work out of the hands of the hospital.

Once that was set up, the patient was released from the hospital and we began delivering solution to his home. Although he was already trained on how to self-infuse, we realized the importance of hiring registered nurses to help support the influx of patients that were being referred to us following this young man’s successful transition to home infusion.

OC: When you and Mr. Hoggard launched the company 40 years ago, did you have any idea that it would become what it is today?

MP: Well, it really was just us doing it; there was no marketing involved. Our infusion treatment in the home started to spread by word of mouth. In fact, the first physician referred another patient of his to our care as well. Eventually, other doctor’s in town began sending us IV antibiotic patients and I had to sell my half of the retail store so I could focus on Option Care full-time.

My partner was the visionary for Option Care. He was the type of person that envisioned what things should look like in the future, whereas I was the one responsible for taking care of the patients. So while I truly never envisioned it growing into what it is today, I believe he operated under the assumption that we could eventually service patients across the country.

OC: It seems like that happened rather quickly because the need for this type of service was so large. When did you finally realize you needed to begin expanding the number of employees at Option Care?

MP: At the beginning, I was not only mixing the therapies in our clean room, but I was traveling to each patient’s home to teach them how to infuse and use their equipment. We started by hiring two nurses who helped support patient care outside of what I could do myself. I was spending about half my time on the road to patient’s homes and delivering their therapy. Often times, staying the night with patients because we were training them or their caregivers on how to infuse the drug, use the pump or change a dressing, which they were nervous to be doing on their own in the beginning, was normal for us.

I loved being able to truly care for our patients. I was able to provide comfort in their ability to safely administer the drug and training on how to keep themselves or their loved one safe. I never wanted to see that change.

Of course, as you continue to grow, some things do need to change. We started being approached by other pharmacists in northern California who had heard about us through word of mouth or listened to us speak at pharmacy conventions. We developed a licensing agreement with them to begin doing business with us. We’d prepare the solution, assist with billing and licensing as well as train them on how to care for the patients like we do. It was at this time that our attorney advised us to begin franchising in order to protect ourselves. This began our nationwide expansion.

OC: Once you began franchising and you took on a more corporate role, how were you able to continue to focus on the quality of patient care?

MP: I became the Corporate Franchise Relations-guy, flying around the country to visit each pharmacy and ensuring they were doing things our way. Through those travels, I was able to serve as a founding member of the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA), helping to set the standards for the infusion industry. I eventually served as the president of the organization giving me the ability to update and progress industry standards into the future.

It took me quite a while to get used to serving in a corporate role, to be honest. I feel like I’m a small guy from Chico, a pharmacist and then all of a sudden I was serving in this corporate, franchise public relations role, which was a big shift for me.

OC: Can you tell me how Option Care got its name?

MP: When we started in 1979, we were operating as CliniCare until we began expanding and tried to license our name. That’s when we discovered the name had already been registered by another organization and we couldn’t use it. One of our marketing people came up with the idea of Outpatient Parental Therapy Intravenous On-going Nutrition with Care on the end – O.P.T.I.O.N. Care — as a way to explain exactly what we were as a company.

We eventually changed the name to lose the acronym and just became Option Care in the early 1990’s. With these changes, our logo transformed throughout the years as well.

OC: Since we started with nutrition therapy, I think it’s an interesting fact that we recently became a Gold sponsor of the Oley Foundation. Did you have any involvement with them?

MP: Oh wow, I remember when Oley first started! We had some patients who were actively involved with Oley in the past. I’m glad to hear that Option Care is still staying with its roots after all these years. We were never involved with them during my time at the company so I’m really glad to hear of your commitment to the Oley Foundation and their mission.

Learn more about our nutrition support services and our partnership with the Oley Foundation.

Proveedores de terapia de infusión en sitios alternativos

Creates a Leading Independent Provider of Home and Alternate Site Infusion Services with Deep Clinical Expertise and Broad Therapy Portfolio

Enhanced Scale and Improved Financial Profile Expected to Enable Growth in Attractive and Growing Segment of U.S. Healthcare Market

BioScrip to Issue New Shares to Option Care’s Shareholder, Which Will Own Approximately 80% of Combined Company on Fully Diluted Basis

Combined Company Will Remain Focused on Delivering Favorable Outcomes for Patients, Payors and Providers

DENVER and BANNOCKBURN, Ill., March 15, 2019 —  BioScrip, Inc. (NASDAQ: BIOS) (“BioScrip”) and Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (“Option Care”), the nation’s largest independent providers of home and alternate treatment site infusion therapy services, today announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement. The combination is expected to create a leading independent provider with the national reach, comprehensive therapy offering and financial capacity to succeed in the attractive and growing home and alternate site infusion services segment of the $100 billion U.S. infusion market.

Según los términos del acuerdo de fusión, BioScrip emitirá nuevas acciones al accionista de Option Care, que es propiedad de fondos de inversión afiliados a Madison Dearborn Partners, LLC (“MDP”) y Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. (NASDAQ: WBA) (“WBA”), en una transacción con todas las acciones. Una vez completada la transacción, los fondos de MDP y WBA tendrán en usufructo aproximadamente el 80 % de la empresa combinada que cotiza en bolsa con un efecto total de reducción en el valor de los títulos, y los accionistas actuales de BioScrip tendrán el resto. Las acciones ordinarias de la empresa combinada continuarán cotizando en el mercado de valores global Nasdaq. La transacción ha sido aprobada por unanimidad por los consejos administrativos de BioScrip y Option Care.

The combined company will be led by Option Care Chief Executive Officer John Rademacher and Option Care Chief Financial Officer Mike Shapiro and will incorporate the best talent, processes and systems from both Option Care and BioScrip. It also will have a leading, independent clinical platform for delivering high-quality infusion therapy to more patients across the United States and providing superior outcomes for patients, payors and providers. BioScrip President and Chief Executive Officer Daniel E. Greenleaf will remain active in the combined company as a special advisor to its Board of Directors.

Daniel E. Greenleaf, President and Chief Executive Officer of BioScrip, commented, “This is a compelling and complementary fit of two leading players in the U.S. infusion market. Together, we will be able to provide a diverse set of life-improving and cost-effective services to more patients across the United States. Our expanded reach and broader array of offerings provide a key competitive advantage at a time when the demand for home and alternate site infusion services continues to grow. The BioScrip Board and I believe our shareholders will have the compelling opportunity to participate alongside Option Care’s experienced and seasoned shareholders in the long-term potential and value creation opportunities of the combined company.”

John Rademacher, Chief Executive Officer at Option Care, said, “This transaction brings together two organizations and thousands of employees dedicated to creating a best in class experience for our patients and their families. Our goal is to constantly improve the delivery of life-saving therapies and comprehensive care management to the patients we have the privilege of serving. At the center of both organizations is deep clinical expertise and a passion to deliver extraordinary care. We believe combining our unique assets and leading product portfolios will create a powerful, independent platform that will enable delivery of high-quality, cost effective solutions to providers across the country and help facilitate the introduction of innovative new therapies to the marketplace. As an independent provider, we will retain the unique ability to deliver high-quality infusion therapy in the patient-preferred and safer setting of the home or an alternate site to every commercial and governmental payor.

“I am honored to lead the combined company and work with BioScrip’s and Option Care’s talented and dedicated employees, who share a strong commitment to delivering exemplary care that makes a positive difference in people’s lives. I look forward to harnessing the strengths of both of our organizations and industry-leading teams to capitalize on the many growth opportunities this combination creates to drive long-term value for all stakeholders.”

Expected Benefits of the Transaction

  • Improved, Cost-Effective Patient Care. Utilizing clinical monitoring and reporting, the combined company’s more than 2,900 skilled clinicians (pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, nurses and dieticians) will develop personalized care plans for patients and be able to provide ongoing quality care in support of complex therapy regimens. With a best-in-class platform that is national in scope, the combined company will also be positioned as the partner of choice for pharmaceutical manufacturers seeking innovative distribution channels and patient support models to access the market. Together, BioScrip and Option Care will cover 96% of the U.S. population, with facilities in 46 states and the ability to dispense and serve patients in all 50 states.
  • Enhanced Scale and Therapy Offerings. The combined company will merge BioScrip’s and Option Care’s complementary portfolios and provide products that are currently only available to one of the two businesses, such as Option Care’s access to Cuvitru for the treatment of primary immunodeficiency and Nuzyra™ for the treatment of adults with acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections and community-acquired bacterial pneumonia. The combined company’s expanded geographic coverage, continued independence, leading quality offerings and comprehensive clinical expertise will position it to be a preferred partner for payors, providers, biopharma manufacturers and patients. Furthermore, its enhanced scale will enable it to capture scale efficiencies and create additional vectors of growth through new product and service introductions.
  • Powerful Growth Engine in Attractive Industry. Home and alternate site infusion, which currently accounts for approximately 12% of the $100 billion total U.S. infusion market, is estimated to grow approximately 5-7% per year due to attractive market dynamics, including the shift to value-based care that improves clinical outcomes and delivers better results for payors and providers as well. The combined company will have the financial capacity and flexibility, scale and clinical offering diversity to drive organic growth in chronic and acute therapies along with generating growth through operational efficiencies, improved performance in revenue cycle management and innovative new therapy introductions. The combination of BioScrip and Option Care will create a diversified business across payors, therapies and geographies in which no existing payor will account for more than 11% of net revenue.
  • Beneficios financieros convincentes: Se espera que la transacción impulse eficiencias significativas en las operaciones y la cadena de suministro, lo que generará más de 60 millones de dólares en sinergias netas previstas para alcanzar el pronóstico completo dentro de los 24 meses posteriores al cierre de la transacción. Se espera que estas sinergias pronosticadas y la escala mejorada de la compañía combinada con ingresos proforma de 2018 de más de $2,600 millones permitan un crecimiento de ventas y de beneficios. Además, BioScrip y Option Care han asegurado un compromiso de financiamiento con Bank of America Merrill Lynch, fondos afiliados a Ares Management Corporation y Goldman Sachs Merchant Banking Division para refinanciar y simplificar la estructura de capital de la compañía combinada, que se espera que no tenga vencimientos a corto plazo, sin capital preferente ni convenio de mantenimiento financiero. Se espera que la nueva estructura de capital proporcione a la compañía combinada un índice de apalancamiento neto combinado proforma sustancialmente más bajo, un costo de capital más bajo, una liquidez adicional significativa y un camino para continuar el apalancamiento. La compañía combinada seguirá una estrategia equilibrada de asignación de capital, continuará invirtiendo y mejorando las experiencias de los pacientes, así como a su gente y sus servicios para impulsar el crecimiento orgánico, mientras administra su perfil de deuda y continúa reduciendo el apalancamiento de manera disciplinada.

Shareholders and Management Focused on Driving Value Creation

MDP, a leading private equity firm based in Chicago, has a long and successful history investing in health care companies and partnering with them to achieve growth and significant long-term value appreciation. MDP’s notable health care investments include Ikaria Inc., Sage Products, Sirona Dental Systems, Team Health and VWR International. Option Care, formerly Walgreens Infusion Services, has been an independent company since it was separated from WBA in 2015 in a joint investment partnership between MDP funds and WBA.

Timothy P. Sullivan, a Managing Director and Head of the MDP Health Care team and a Director of Option Care, said, “We believe this transaction provides significant shareholder value creation potential and we are excited to remain a major shareholder alongside Walgreens Boots Alliance in the combined company. John, Mike and the joint leadership team bring operational expertise and strong integration track records. Since separating from Walgreens, we have made significant investments in people, process, technology and facilities. This experience, combined with their commitment to patient-centric care, should drive meaningful and long-term shareholder value.”

Rademacher and Shapiro are seasoned health care professionals with significant operational expertise and public company experience. Rademacher has held various executive-level positions at leading public healthcare companies, including Cardinal Health where he served as President and General Manager for both the Ambulatory Care Division and the Nuclear and Pharmacy Services Divisions, and at Cigna Corporation where he served as President of CareAllies and Chief Operating Officer for the CIGNA Behavioral Health business. Shapiro served as the Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for Catamaran Corporation, a publicly-traded pharmacy benefits manager, and led the successful process through which the company was sold to UnitedHealth Group. He also had a longstanding career with Baxter International, holding several financial positions across several businesses and corporate functions.

Rademacher has spearheaded Option Care’s Zenith 20/20 program, which changed the company’s operating model, implementing technology, operational design and facility upgrades throughout the organization. Under his leadership, Option Care has focused on providing high-quality care and improving delivery of services to patients, payors and manufacturers. The combined company, its employees and all stakeholders are expected to benefit from a leadership team focused on creating a culture that connects its clinical expertise and company success to patient outcomes.

In addition to Rademacher and Shapiro, the combined company’s leadership will draw from the experienced teams of both Option Care and BioScrip.

The transaction, which is expected to be completed in the second half of 2019, is subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions, including regulatory approvals and approval by BioScrip shareholders.

Conference Call, Webcast and Presentation

BioScrip y Option Care realizarán una conferencia telefónica a las 9:00 a. m., ET, el día de la fecha, 15 de marzo de 2019, para analizar la transacción. Los números de marcación para la llamada son (877) 423-9820 (llamada gratuita en los EE. UU.) O (201) 493-6749 (internacional). Una transmisión en vivo de la conferencia telefónica y los materiales de presentación asociados estarán disponibles en la sección "Inversionistas" del sitio web de BioScrip

Una reproducción en línea de la conferencia telefónica estará disponible aproximadamente dos horas después de la finalización de la conferencia telefónica en la sección Relaciones con los inversionistas del sitio web de BioScrip en:


In connection with the transaction, Jefferies LLC and Moelis & Company LLC are acting as joint financial advisors to BioScrip, and Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP is serving as legal advisor. Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC and BofA Merrill Lynch are acting as financial advisors and Kirkland & Ellis LLP is acting as legal advisor to Option Care.

Esta comunicación, además de la información histórica, contiene “declaraciones prospectivas” (como se define en la Ley de Reforma de Litigios sobre Valores Privados de 1995) con respecto, entre otras cosas, a eventos futuros o al desempeño financiero futuro de BioScrip y Option Care. Todas las declaraciones que no sean declaraciones de hechos históricos son declaraciones a futuro. Además, palabras como "anticipar", "creer", "contemplar", "continuar", "podría", "estimar", "esperar", "pretender", "puede", "planificar", "potencial" "predecir", "proyectar", "buscar", "debería", "objetivo", "hará", "haría" o la forma negativa de estas palabras, y las palabras y los términos de sustancia similar utilizados en relación con cualquier discusión sobre planes futuros, acciones o eventos identifican declaraciones prospectivas.

Forward-looking statements relating to the proposed transaction include, but are not limited to: statements about the benefits of the proposed transaction between BioScrip and Option Care, including future financial and operating results; BioScrip’s and Option Cares plans, objectives, expectations and intentions; the expected timing of completion of the proposed transaction; and other statements relating to the acquisition that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to BioScrip and Option Care and involve estimates, expectations and projections.

Investors are cautioned that all such forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties (both known and unknown), and many factors could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements. With respect to the proposed transaction between BioScrip and Option Care, these factors could include, but are not limited to: the risk that BioScrip or Option Care may be unable to obtain governmental and regulatory approvals required for the transaction, or that required governmental and regulatory approvals may delay the transaction or result in the imposition of conditions that could reduce the anticipated benefits from the proposed transaction or cause the parties to abandon the proposed transaction; the risk that a condition to closing of the transaction may not be satisfied; the length of time necessary to consummate the proposed transaction, which may be longer than anticipated for various reasons; the risk that the businesses will not be integrated successfully; the risk that the cost savings, synergies and growth from the proposed transaction may not be fully realized or may take longer to realize than expected; the diversion of management time on transaction-related issues; the effect of future regulatory or legislative actions on the companies or the industries in which they operate; the risk that the credit ratings of the combined company or its subsidiaries may be different from what the companies expect; economic and foreign exchange rate volatility; and the other risks contained in BioScrip’s most recently filed Annual Report on Form 10-K.

Muchos de estos riesgos, incertidumbres y suposiciones exceden la capacidad de control o predicción de BioScrip. Debido a estos riesgos, incertidumbres y suposiciones, no debe depositar una confianza indebida en estas declaraciones prospectivas. Además, las declaraciones prospectivas se refieren solo a la información actualmente disponible para las partes en la fecha en que se realizan, y ni BioScrip ni Option Care asumen ninguna obligación de actualizar públicamente o de revisar las declaraciones prospectivas para reflejar eventos o circunstancias que puedan surgir después de la fecha de esta comunicación. Ningún punto en esta comunicación tiene la intención, o debe interpretarse, como un pronóstico de ganancias o debe interpretarse en el sentido de que las ganancias por acción de BioScrip para el año financiero actual o futuro o las de la compañía combinada, necesariamente coincidirán o excederán el histórico de ganancias publicadas por acción de BioScrip, según corresponda.

Ni BioScrip ni Option Care brindan ninguna garantía (1) de que BioScrip u Option Care alcanzará sus expectativas, o (2) con respecto a cualquier resultado o el momento de este, en cada caso, con respecto a cualquier acción regulatoria, procedimientos administrativos, investigaciones gubernamentales, litigios, cartas de advertencia, decretos de consentimiento, reducciones de costos, estrategias comerciales, ganancias o tendencias de ingresos o resultados financieros futuros. Todas las declaraciones prospectivas escritas y orales posteriores relacionadas con BioScrip, Option Care, la transacción propuesta, la compañía combinada u otros asuntos y factores atribuibles a BioScrip o a Option Care o a cualquier persona que actúe en su nombre están expresamente calificadas en su totalidad por las declaraciones de advertencia anteriores.


BioScrip, Inc. ("BioScrip" o la "Compañía") presentará a la Comisión de Bolsa y Valores ("SEC") una declaración de poderes en relación con la transacción propuesta. La declaración de poderes contendrá información importante sobre la transacción propuesta y asuntos relacionados. SE RECOMIENDA Y SUGERIMOS A LOS INVERSIONISTAS Y TENEDORES DE VALORES QUE LEAN LA DECLARACIÓN DE PODERES CUANDO ESTÉ DISPONIBLE YA QUE CONTENDRÁ INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE.

La declaración de poderes y otros materiales relevantes (cuando estén disponibles) y cualquier otro documento presentado por la Compañía ante la SEC pueden obtenerse sin cargo en el sitio web de la SEC, en Además, los tenedores de valores podrán obtener copias gratuitas de la declaración de poderes y otros materiales relevantes de la Compañía comunicándose con Relaciones con Inversionistas por correo a 1600 Broadway, Suite 700, Denver, CO 80202, Attn: Investor Relations, por teléfono al (720) 697-5200, o visitando la página de Relaciones con Inversionistas de la Compañía en su sitio web corporativo en


Se puede considerar que la Compañía y sus directores y directivos ejecutivos participan en la solicitud de poderes de los accionistas en relación con los asuntos discutidos anteriormente. La información sobre los directores y directivos ejecutivos de la Compañía se establece en la Declaración de poderes en el Anexo 14A para la reunión anual de accionistas de la Compañía de 2018, que se presentó ante la SEC el 4 de abril de 2018. Este documento puede obtenerse gratuitamente de las fuentes indicadas anteriormente.  

La información sobre la propiedad de los directores y directivos ejecutivos de la Compañía en los valores de la Compañía se incluye en las presentaciones de la Compañía ante la SEC en los Formularios 3, 4 y 5, que se pueden encontrar en el sitio web de la SEC en Otra información con respecto a los participantes en la solicitud de poderes y una descripción de sus intereses directos e indirectos, por tenencias de valores o de otra manera, estará contenida en la declaración de poderes preliminar y la declaración de poderes definitiva y otros materiales relevantes que se presentarán ante la SEC cuando estén disponibles.

About BioScrip, Inc.

BioScrip, Inc. is one of the largest independent national providers of infusion and home care management solutions, with approximately 2,100 teammates and nearly 70 service locations across the U.S. BioScrip partners with physicians, hospital systems, payors, pharmaceutical manufacturers and skilled nursing facilities to provide patients access to post-acute care services. BioScrip operates with a commitment to bring customer-focused pharmacy and related healthcare infusion therapy services into the home or alternate-site setting. By collaborating with the full spectrum of healthcare professionals and the patient, BioScrip provides cost-effective care that is driven by clinical excellence, customer service, and values that promote positive outcomes and an enhanced quality of life for those it serves.

Acerca de Option Care

Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) es el proveedor de servicios de infusión en el hogar y en centros alternativos de tratamiento más grande y más confiable del país. Con acreditaciones de organizaciones de calidad de la industria como ACHC, PCAB, ASHP y URAC,* la empresa se apoya en casi 40 años de experiencia en atención clínica para ofrecer una gestión de terapia centrada en el paciente. Los servicios de infusión distintivos de Option Care comprenden la administración clínica de los medicamentos de infusión, el apoyo de enfermeros y la coordinación de la atención. El equipo multidisciplinario de más de 1,800 profesionales clínicos de Option Care, formado por farmacéuticos, enfermeros y nutricionistas, puede proporcionar cobertura de servicios de infusión en el hogar para casi todos los pacientes en los Estados Unidos que necesiten tratamiento para afecciones complejas y crónicas. Obtenga más información en

ORLANDO, Florida, 11 de marzo de 2019Nueva investigación realizada por Option Care Enterprises, Inc. ("Option Care"), el principal proveedor de servicios de terapia de infusión en el hogar y en sitios alternativos del país, sugiere que el método de administración de antibióticos por vía intravenosa (IV) puede mejorar el cumplimiento del paciente al tiempo que reduce los costos. El estudio [*] Wurdeman J, Decaminada G, Andrusko-Furphy K, et al. Comparison of compliance and comprehensive cost for various methods of administration of intravenous antibiotics in a home infusion setting. [Comparación del cumplimiento y el costo integral de varios métodos de administración de antibióticos intravenosos en un entorno de infusión en el hogar]. Póster presentado en la Conferencia Anual de la National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) [Asociación Nacional de la Infusión en el Hogar]; del 9 al 13 de marzo de 2019, Orlando, Florida. se presentó hoy en la Conferencia Anual de la National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) y es finalista del “Premio al Logro Abstracto Destacado.

The researchers analyzed patient compliance by comparing four techniques for antibiotic self-administration and determined ease of providing therapy was a significant factor. They concluded patients were significantly more likely to comply with therapy if they used the elastomeric pump or IV push than if they used the gravity/mini bag or electronic pump. Additionally, in many cases IV push and elastomeric pump are less costly.

“There’s a common perception that the gravity/mini bag is the least expensive method, but our research shows not only are IV push and elastomeric pump often more cost-effective, but patients find them easier to use, decreasing the likelihood that they will skip doses, which can lead to failed therapy and hospital readmission,” said Julie Wurdeman, PharmD, an Option Care infusion pharmacist and primary author of the study. “Our findings have implications for helping establish the most appropriate method of administration and underscore the value of collaboration among patients and the care team.”

The type of IV antibiotic therapy typically is chosen by the pharmacist in collaboration with the physician and determined by several factors including the medication, frequency of therapy (typically one to three times a day), rate of infusion as well as provider preference, patient lifestyle and age. The research suggests that patient compliance and cost should be factored into the equation.

Researchers studied treatment compliance in 688 Option Care home infusion patients who were treated between October 2017 and October 2018 and who missed one or more doses of IV antibiotics. They found the percentage of doses missed by technique was: 2.6 percent elastomeric pump, 2.7 percent IV push, 5 percent mini bag and 8.6 percent electronic pump.

There is a wide variation between methods in the cost of administration (factoring in equipment, compounding and patient education, but not medication), including a 209 percent difference between the least-expensive, IV push, and the most-expensive, electronic pump. The cost varies depending on the number of times per day and the rate at which the antibiotic is provided, as well as whether equipment can be reused and other factors.

In home antibiotic therapy, the patient infuses the medication through a catheter (placed by a nurse in a vein, usually in the hand or arm). The medication typically is administered one of four ways:

  • IV push: The patient injects the medication via a syringe. This process is easy to learn, portable and fast.
  • Elastomeric pump: The tennis ball-sized device comes pre-filled with the medication and self-squeezes it through tubing into a port the patient inserts into the catheter. This technique is easy to learn, precise and portable.
  • Gravity/mini bag: The patient hangs the bag of medication on a pole and inserts the end of the tube into the catheter. The equipment involves set-up and is bulky, so it is not easily portable.
  • Electronic pump: The patient connects the medication to the pump as well as the tube into the catheter and turns on the pump. The equipment involves set-up and is bulky, requiring the patient to carry the pump wherever he or she goes.

“While the type of antibiotic and rate of administration are the most important factors in determining the method of administration, in many cases there is flexibility,” said Wurdeman. “It’s important to consider all factors — including patient preference — which can help improve compliance and decrease costs.”

For its first Outstanding Abstract Achievement Award, the National Home Infusion Foundation chose abstracts that examine an innovative approach to clinical practice; identify a best practice or improve quality; are relevant to a current challenge, issue or question facing the home infusion industry; employ an effective study design/methodology to achieve results and have the ability to be expanded to a larger study.

Another Option Care study[*]Cheung K, Rout T, Banerjee U, et al. A Retrospective Evaluation of the Frequency of Vancomycin Monitoring and its Effects on Home Infusion Patients. Poster presented at the National Home Infusion Association (NHIA) Annual Conference; March 9-13, 2019, Orlando, Fla. being presented at NHIA compared results associated with frequency of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) among 100 patients treated with home infusion of high-dose vancomycin (a commonly prescribed antibiotic), half of whom were monitored weekly and half twice weekly. Researchers detected a potential trend that major events such as emergency department visits or hospital admissions were less prevalent among patients 55 and older who received high-dose vancomycin with twice-weekly TDM.

Acerca de Option Care

Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is the nation’s leading and most trusted provider of home and alternate site infusion services. Holding accreditations from industry quality organizations ACHC, PCAB, ASHP and URAC,[*]Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB), American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and URAC the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature infusion services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at

Home infusion provider’s clinical support enables patients to transition from IV to oral  

BANNOCKBURN, Ill.—  Option Care Enterprises, Inc., the nation’s largest provider of home and alternate treatment site infusion therapy services, has been selected by Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. as a limited pharmacy network provider of its new once-daily intravenous (IV) and oral antibiotic, Nuzyra™ (omadacycline). Nuzyra is approved to treat adults with community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP) and acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSI).

Every year, the main bacteria responsible for CABP, Streptococcus pneumonia, causes 1.2 million infections and 7,000 deaths and ABSSSI leads to more than 750,000 hospitalizations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“With our focus on delivering extraordinary care and expertise in managing IV antibiotics therapies, Option Care enables patients receiving this new treatment to transition from IV to oral formulations with one clinical management team,” said John Rademacher, Chief Executive Officer at Option Care. “Paratek selected Option Care to participate in their limited distribution network because of our clinical competencies, comprehensive pharmacy and medical benefit coverage and our nationwide reach, which allows us to provide IV antibiotics therapy for nearly all patients across the United States.”

Option Care specializes in transitioning patients from hospital to home on IV or oral therapy while providing clinical management, including patient education and therapy and adherence monitoring. The home infusion provider also coordinates with manufacturer patient support programs to facilitate co-pay assistance for those individuals who can benefit from it.

The specially trained staff follows a comprehensive IV antibiotics therapy management model that includes strict protocols and customized treatment plans to meet the specific needs of each patient and prescriber. As the only national infusion therapy provider contracted with all major payers, Option Care provides more than 1.5 million infusion doses each month.

Since separating from Walgreens in 2015, Option Care has made significant investments into their people, clinical processes, infrastructure and technology to build the broadest and most capable home infusion services provider. These investments have created a best-in-class platform that is national in scope, covering over 95% of the U.S. population, while also maintaining deep connections to the local healthcare community with 80 Care Management Centers across 44 states. This makes Option Care the partner of choice for pharmaceutical manufacturers requiring innovative distribution channel and patient support models to access the market.

Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in October 2018, Nuzyra is marketed and distributed by Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative therapies based on its expertise in novel tetracycline chemistry.

Acerca de Option Care

Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is the nation’s largest and most trusted provider of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. Holding accreditations from industry quality organizations ACHC, PCAB, ASHP and URAC,[*]Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB), American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and URAC the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at

Nuevo Centro de Gestión para la Atención al Paciente brinda amplio acceso a servicios de infusión en el hogar

NEW ORLEANS, August 7, 2018 — Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (“Option Care”), el mayor proveedor del país de servicios de terapias de infusión tanto en el hogar como en centros alternativos de tratamiento, está ampliando el acceso de los pacientes a la atención con la apertura de su primer Centro de gestión para la atención en Luisiana. La inauguración de las instalaciones se realizó el 11 de junio en Elmwood, Luisiana, introduciendo la atención clínica personalizada de la compañía a pacientes cubiertos por los planes de seguros de salud nacionales y regionales.

A través del nuevo Centro de gestión para la atención (CMC, por sus siglas en inglés), el dedicado equipo de profesionales clínicos, enfermeros, farmacéuticos, técnicos y nutricionistas de Option Care ahora pueden prestar servicios de infusión en el hogar o en centros alternativos de tratamiento a pacientes que dependen de terapias de infusión para afecciones complejas, entre ellas las siguientes:

  • Enfermedades infecciosas
  • Trastornos nutricionales y gastrointestinales
  • Insuficiencia cardíaca avanzada
  • Deficiencias inmunitarias principales
  • Hemofilia y alteraciones hemorrágicas
  • Trastornos autoinmunitarios
  • Insuficiencia orgánica en etapa final

“Nuestra expansión a Luisiana significa que millones de pacientes más ahora tienen acceso a la atención clínica especializada de Option Care, respaldada por nuestra red nacional de farmacias y centros alternativos de tratamiento en todo el país", afirmó William Miller, farmacéutico registrado y director clínico de enfermedades infecciosas en Option Care. “Los pacientes desean tener acceso a atención personalizada de calidad en la comodidad de su propio hogar o en la conveniencia de centros alternativos de tratamiento en sus comunidades. Eso es lo que ofrecemos, garantizando transiciones ininterrumpidas de atención del hospital al hogar y ayudando a los pacientes a manejar su salud con mayor facilidad y menor preocupación”.

El nuevo CMC de Luisiana está dirigido por personal sénior que cuenta con especialización clínica importante y experiencia local en la prestación de servicios de asistencia médica fundamental.

“Tenemos un amplio conocimiento en esta área y nos entusiasma ser parte del equipo que está llevando los servicios de Option Care a pacientes que necesitan estas terapias fundamentales”, afirmó Mike Messonnier, máster en salud pública, farmacéutico registrado y director de operaciones del CMC de Option Care en Luisiana. “Option Care está fomentando el avance de la industria de atención de terapias de infusión con tecnologías que respaldan los más altos niveles de excelencia clínica. Nos complace estar prestando estos innovadores servicios a los pacientes en nuestra comunidad”.

El CMC de Luisiana estará equipado para brindar resultados superiores con los servicios y programas de vanguardia, impulsados por la tecnología y basados en datos de Option Care.

Acerca de Option Care

Option Care Enterprises, Inc. (Option Care) is the nation’s largest and most trusted provider of home and alternate treatment site infusion services. Holding accreditations from industry quality organizations ACHC, PCAB, ASHP and URAC,[*]Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC), Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board (PCAB), American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and URAC. the company draws on nearly 40 years of clinical care experience to offer patient-centered therapy management. Option Care’s signature Home Infusion Plus services include the clinical management of infusion medicines, nursing support and care coordination. Option Care’s multidisciplinary team of more than 1,800 clinicians — including pharmacists, nurses and dietitians — are able to provide home infusion service coverage for nearly all patients across the United States needing treatment for complex and chronic conditions. Learn more at